Each member of the preschool who has a child enrolled in the Beginners, Three, Four and/ or Pre-K Cooperative Program is required to fulfill the responsibilities of a committee position each school year. Parents of students in the Non-Cooperative programs are encouraged to participate, and are greatly appreciated when they do so, but participation is not a requirement for their membership.

The committees available differ greatly in the level and type of contribution required, but all are extremely important to the continued success of our school. Most of these committees fulfill duties that in a non- cooperative school would be performed by paid staff members. PLEASE NOTE: Members who do not fulfill their committee responsibilities will be assessed a fine of $100.00.

Please read the committee descriptions carefully, and choose the committees that would most benefit from your talents. The numbers following each description denotes the number of members who will be assigned to that committee. Except for those committees with special requirements, the assignments are made on a first-come, first served basis, and many of the committees with only one or two members go quickly.

Committee assignments are made in the summer and members are notified in September with most committee responsibilities beginning with the school year. However, some committees may be contacted prior to the start of classes, including Room Parents, Parent Education, Maintenance and School Supplies.

Serving on CPI’s Board of Directors takes the place of a committee obligation. If you’re interested in volunteering for the Board of Directors, please contact vp@centrevillepreschool.com for more information.

Committee Choice Form

Please fill out the form as soon as possible.

  • ex. Fours MWF
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Join us for our Open House! Saturday 1/25/25,10:30am-12:30pm, 15450 Lee Hwy, Centreville, VA 20120. 2025-2026 Registration Opens 1/25/25.More Info