What is your inclement weather policy?

CPI follows Fairfax County Public Schools for inclement weather closures and delays. If FCPS is closed, CPI is also closed. CPI does not provide virtual instruction on inclement weather days. If FCPS has a 2-hour delay, we will operate on a 2-hour delayed schedule as well.

What is your education philosophy?

Your child comes first in the warm, caring atmosphere of CPI. The primary goals of our program are for your child to feel good about himself/herself and to enjoy school. CPI’s teachers enthusiastically support your child’s curiosity and creativity while teaching skills such as listening, following directions, getting along with others, sharing, making choices, and following classroom rules. Each day your child will explore and create by participating in art, sensory, science, music, dramatic play, free play, outdoor play, manipulatives, and blocks.

Are you state licensed?

Yes, and CPI is a member of the Virginia Cooperative Preschool Council (VCPC).

What are your teachers’ credentials?

All teachers hold one of the following:

  1. A degree in Elementary Education or related field;
  2. Two years of experience at CPI

What are your class sizes? What is the adult to child ratio?

Our class sizes range from 8-10 students. Each class always has 2 adults present: either 1 paid teacher and 1 parent helper, or 1 paid teacher and 1 paid assistant. That makes our ratios 1 adult to 4 children at a minimum, and 1 to 5 at a maximum.

How many days are your programs?

We offer a two day per week Beginners program, a two or three day per week 3-year old program, and a three day per week 4-year old program. We also offer a four day per week Pre-K class. In addition, we offer Extended Day opportunities several days a week.

How do I know if my child should be in a 4’s class or in Pre-K?

Our Pre-K class is ideally suited for children who will turn 5 by January 31st of the school year in which they are enrolled, or who are entering their third year of preschool at CPI.  Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis, simply contact Enrollment with questions.

What is the difference between co-op and non co-op?

Co-op responsibilities include:

  • Working as the teacher’s assistant in your child’s class on a regular basis. (In the two day 3’s classes, expect to work approximately once every six weeks. In the three day 3s, 4’s, and Pre-K classes, expect to work approximately once a month)
  • Providing snack when you are scheduled to co-op
  • Participating on a school committee
  • Helping to clean the school once during the school year

Non Co-op responsibilities include:

  • Providing snack on a rotating basis when your child is scheduled to be the leader

What months is your school in session?

School starts in September and concludes at the end of May.

How long is a “class period”?

Our Beginners, Threes, and Fours classes are 2 hours and 45 minutes long. Our Pre-K class is 3 hours and 30 minutes. All Extended Day classes are 2 hours.

How do you handle discipline?

With positive reinforcement and continued repetition of routine.

Does my child have to be potty trained?

No. It is our preference that they are trained, but it is not required. We do ask that parents are actively trying to potty train their child.

How do you deal with children with food allergies?

Food allergies are taken very seriously at CPI. First and foremost, we are a nut-free school. Due to the life-threatening nature of many food allergies, we have opted for a snack program that designates an allowable snack list. Our aim in choosing this list is to avoid exposure to the most common and most dangerous food allergens. That said, if the designated snack contains ingredients to which your child is allergic, or is something you do not wish for your child to eat, you may provide your child with an alternative snack. For children who do have life threatening allergies, our teachers are trained in the use of Epi-pens and we have space to keep required medications at school in the event of an emergency. Any further discussion regarding your child’s specific allergy can be directed to our Health and Safety Director.

Do you go on field trips?

All of our classes have “in-house” field trips with guests coming to share their knowledge and skills with our students. If a class has an off-site field trip, parents are required to transport their child to specific locations or arrange a carpool with other parents.

When does registration begin? What is your procedure?

Open registration for new students begins after our Open House in late January or early February. All paperwork must be mailed through the US Postal Service during the stated dates in your enrollment packet. Once our initial enrollment period is complete, a rolling admission policy is in effect.

Can my child enroll in your program mid-year?

Yes!  You can enroll your child mid-year.  Please contact our Enrollment team to find out about openings.  (register@centrevillepreschool.com)

Registration is open for 2024-25!Apply now!