Centreville Preschool presents

Summer Camp

Summertime fun at CPI is just around the corner… Get ready for activities packed with fun for all campers!

May 31 – June 4, 2021

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Preschool age children 3 years – 5 years old



$195 for 5 days (Monday-Friday)
$156 for 4 days (Tuesday-Friday)

We have noticed that the summer camp program can be especially beneficial to first time students (3 years old and up) enrolled for September. This is a great way to get kids adjusted to our building, playground, staff, and daily routine before the school year begins!

If you have any questions concerning the summer camp program or if you would like an application emailed to you, please call or email Janet Chen at
(703) 814-2325 or centrevillepreschool@hotmail.com.

Registration is open for 2025-26!Apply now!