Application and Admittance

Application for admission for the current school year may be made at any time during the year. Applications for the upcoming school year will not be accepted prior to a date established and announced by the Board of Directors. To apply, a parent or legal guardian of the student must sign both the Application Form and the Membership Agreement and enclose the registration fee (see Tuition and Fee Schedule). Applications and class assignment choices of current CPI members and alumni will be given priority over applications received during the open registration period.

Class size is established by the Board of Directors and is based on the number of qualified applicants and the limitations of our occupancy permit. Currently, enrollment varies from ten to twelve per class. Class assignments are made on a modified first-come, first-served basis, to ensure a balanced boy/girl ratio in each class.

At the point when classes are filled, applicants are placed on a wait list. Once on the wait list, the applicant will be offered the next available position in the program to which they applied. The applicant will receive written notification of their position on the wait list. If still on the wait list January 1st, the applicant will have priority for enrolling the following year.

Wait lists are maintained for each program: Pre-K 4-day semi-cooperative, 4s 3 day coop, 3s 2 day coop and 3 day coop, Beginners 2 day school-cooperative, Explorers 1 day non-cooperative, Creative Kids 1 day non-cooperative and Lunch Bunch 1 day. An applicant may not request to be wait-listed for a particular class session. If an applicant refuses a position offered to him, the registration fee shall be forfeited.

Switch lists are maintained for each program to accommodate parents who may wish to change the class their child was placed in. The switch list will be dissolved as of October 1 for the current school year. Requested switches after that date will need teacher approval. Contact the Enrollment Director to be added to the switch list. Placement from the switch list is made on a modified first-come, first-served basis, to ensure a balanced boy/girl ratio.

If a non-cooperative class does not fill by July 1st, the Board of Directors may elect to revert the class to a standard cooperative class. Registrants will be notified and be given the option to stay in the class as a cooperative participating family with tuition adjusted accordingly. Registrants who are unable to enroll in our cooperative program will receive a full refund of all paid fees or may request a buy-out.

Buy Out Option

The Board of Directors offers a “buy out” option to parents wishing to register a child in a cooperative class at a non-cooperative cost with those corresponding parent responsibilities. Two buy-outs are allowed per cooperative class: additional buy-out requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Buy-out options may also be offered as a way to fill classes that have not filled by August 15th.

The person who then chooses the buyout option is enrolling in a coop class as a non-coop parent/student and will then pay the non-coop tuition in their program and standard non-coop responsibilities apply. Annual Buy Out Rates for 2021/2022 are as follows: If you choose to buy out of a 2 day class, it will cost an additional $75 per month. If you choose to buy out of a 3 day class, or the Pre-K class, it will cost an additional $110 per month.

Tuition, Fees, and Assessments

All tuition payments, supply fees, and assessments are to be paid to the Account Receivables Clerk via US Mail or can be paid electronically. Mail payments to CPI, Attn: Account Receivables Clerk, PO Box 253, Centreville, VA 20122. DO NOT send checks to the school street address or to the Account Receivables Clerk in your child’s tote bag. Payments must be made by personal, certified, or cashier’s check, made payable to Centreville Preschool, Inc., cash, or credit card. Tuition payments may also be made electronically. Tuition statements will be sent via email before the first of the month and may be paid online using your checking account.


Centreville Preschool, Inc. has a payment plan that includes nine (9) equal tuition installments. The first tuition installment is due on July 1st and will be applied to tuition for May of that school year. The remaining tuition is due on the first of the month from September 1st through April 1st. These nine (9) tuition installments reflect CPI’s actual attendance of nine (9) months for a given school year.

  • Members may pay tuition by one of two methods: 1. a one-time payment for the full tuition amount; 2. nine equal payments.
  • Please see Jovial for current tuition and supply fee amounts.
  • The first tuition installment and supply fee are due July 1st and will be applied to the tuition for May of that school year. If the first installment and supply fee are not received with the signed tuition agreement by July 1st, your child may lose his or her spot in Centreville Preschool, Inc. to a child on the waiting list.
  • After the July 1st payment, the remaining tuition installments are due on the 1st day of the month from September 1st to April 1st.
  • All members make two (2) tuition installments prior to the start of classes if they have chosen to pay their annual tuition in nine (9) installments.
  • A $25.00 late fee will be assessed for payments received after the scheduled payment date of the 1st day of the month. If mailing tuition payments to the P.O. Box, late fees are determined based on the envelope’s Post Mark date. If tuition payments are placed in the school’s lockbox, late fees are determined by when the Account Receivables Clerk takes the lockbox down at the beginning of each month.
  • After a student has been enrolled into CPI, the registration fee is non-refundable.

Assessment Fees

In instances when the policies and procedures are not followed, certain assessments may be necessary in order to ensure the continued support of CPI’s cooperative philosophy and adherence to the Bylaws. The continued operation of CPI is dependent upon the member’s fulfillment of the obligations as specified within the Membership Agreement.

  • Late Child Pick-up Fee – $5.00 Fee for parent arriving more than 5 minutes past scheduled pick-up time. Additional $5.00 Fee for every 5 minutes late or portion thereof.
  • Committee Fee – $100.00 Fee for member’s failure to participate in required committee assignment.
  • Maintenance Fee – $100.00 Fee for member’s failure to participate in required maintenance obligation.
  • Late Arrival of Parent Aide Fee – $15.00 Fee assessment for late arrival of parent aide (after 8:45am or 12:10pm).
  • No-Show of Parent Aide Fee – $30.00 Fee for failure of parent aide to appear on scheduled day without arranging for a substitute. The Staff School Aide Fee OR the Emergency Paid Parent Aide Fee will also apply (see below). The member must also replenish the school snack.
  • Staff School Aide Fee – $50.00 Fee assessed whenever a school staff member is used as a substitute for a Parent Aide.
  • Emergency Paid Parent Aide Fee – $25.00 Fee assessed and PAID DIRECTLY to parent working in place of another member’s Parent Aide obligation.
  • Late Tuition Payment – $25.00 Fee assessed each time a tuition installment payment is not received by the 1st of the month.
  • Returned Check Charge – $25.00 Fee assessed for any check returned by the bank. Each additional occurrence increases the assessment by $10.00. After a check is bounced the Board may ask the member to submit future payments by cashier’s check.

Late Payment Policies

Extenuating circumstances for delinquencies may be discussed in confidence with the Account Receivables Clerk and a determination will be made whether or not an accommodation may be arranged. Otherwise, the following policies apply:

  • Tuition installment payments are due the 1st of each month. Payments not postmarked by or not placed inside the lockbox by the 1st of the month will be assessed a late fee in accordance with the Tuition, Fees, and Assessments section.
  • Members whose payments are 30 days past due will have 15 days to make full payment of tuition and any outstanding fees. If payment is not received within that time, or if other arrangements for payment are not made with the Account Receivables Clerk, then the matter will be brought to the attention of the Board for further action, up to and including termination of membership as specified in the Bylaws.
  • Tuition payments that habitually arrive late (more than three (3) consecutive months or more than four (4) months of any six (6) month period) will be brought to the attention of the Board for further action, up to and including termination of membership as specified in the Bylaws.
  • Members who do not pay fines or fees assessed over the course of the year within 30 days of being notified will be brought to the attention of the Board for further action, up to and including termination of membership as specified in the Bylaws.
  • As an alternative to termination of membership, the Board may require that a member in arrears give the Account Receivables Clerk a credit card account number to charge any existing payment or future payments. A minimum 2% processing fee will be charged for all credit card payments. Refusal to provide a credit card account number or equivalent assurance of payment shall be considered cause for termination of membership.
  • If a Collection Agency must be used to collect any fees outstanding on delinquent accounts, the CPI member will be responsible for paying all fees related to the Collection Agency Service.
  • Members whose accounts (including tuition, fees, and fines) are not paid in full at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th) will have enrollment for their child or any sibling for the following school year suspended until full payment is received. If there is a waiting list for the class, the Board will have the option to terminate membership and fill the spot.
  • Members have the right to contest or appeal actions of the Board as described in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article III, section 5 (d).

Refund Policies

Please Note: All withdrawals must be made in writing addressed to the Enrollment Director.

Registration Fee

The registration fee is not refundable and not transferable once a child has been admitted and placed in the school.


Refundable Under the Following Conditions

  • If a member withdraws from active status from any class or classes enrolled in prior to the start of the school year, the member will forfeit the supply fee and all monthly installments due prior to the withdrawal date.
  • After the start of the school year, a member may withdraw from any class or classes enrolled at CPI for any reason by means of a written notice to the Co-Director of Enrollment (Registration). Withdrawal becomes effective thirty (30) calendar days after this written notice has been received. Until that date, the member is responsible for all tuition, fees, and other obligations assigned to an active member, whether or not the child attends class.
  • Members who have paid tuition in full at the beginning of the year or those who have made payments in advance of the schedule of payments will be entitled to a refund of the “advance amount”, (the amount that exceeds that which would have been paid on the standard payment schedule at the time of their withdrawal).

Termination of Membership

The CPI Board of Directors may terminate an individual’s membership upon ten (10) calendar day’s written notice to a member. The letter of termination will list the reason(s) for termination, which are detailed in the CPI Bylaws, Article 3, Section 5.

If an individual’s membership is terminated, refunds will be made as described below for voluntary withdrawals.

Voluntary Withdrawal

All withdrawals require written notice to the Co-Director of Enrollment (Registration).

Before School Year Begins

If an applicant is placed on the waiting list and wishes to withdraw from any class or classes on the waiting list with a FULL refund of the Registration Fee, the applicant will have ten (10) days from the date on the placement notification letter to notify the Co-Director of Enrollment (Registration) of this request. All withdrawals require written notification to the Co-Director of Enrollment (Registration). The written notice may be via email (see Board of Directors contact list) or by a letter mailed to CPI’s P.O. Box.

Once on the waiting list, the applicant will be offered the next available position in the program that was selected. Refusal of an offered position for any reason (including days and session of the class) will result in a forfeiture of the Registration Fee and withdrawal from the waiting list.

If applicants wish to withdraw from the wait list prior to being offered a slot in the school, one-half (1/2) of the Registration Fee will be refunded.

The waiting list will be dissolved on April 1 of the current school year. Each applicant will receive a full refund of their Registration Fee after this date. Applicants may still remain on CPI’s waiting list and if offered a position in the school after April 1st, the applicant will be required to resubmit one-half (1/2) of the Registration Fee ($30).

If a member withdraws an enrolled student prior to the start of the school year from any class or classes, the member will forfeit the supply fee and all tuition installments due prior to the withdrawal date. The Registration fee is not refundable nor can a member’s Registration Fee be transferred to another enrollee.

After School Year Begins

A member may withdraw from CPI for any reason by means of a written notice to the Co-Director of Enrollment. The written notice may be via email (see Board of Directors contact list) or by a letter mailed to CPI’s P.O. Box. Withdrawal (termination of membership in accordance with Centreville Preschool, Inc. Bylaws) does not become effective until thirty (30) calendar days after this written notice has been received by CPI. This is considered the “withdraw effective date.” During the 30-day period, the member is still responsible for all tuition, fees and other obligations assigned to an active member, whether or not their child attends class. This policy applies to each individual class that a child is enrolled in. After the school year begins, the supply fee is non-refundable.

If a member withdraws an enrolled student after the start of the school year, the member is responsible to pay a prorated amount for the month in which the “withdraw effective date” occurs. Any excess payments received will be refunded to the member. This policy applies to each individual class that a child is enrolled in.

The member is responsible to pay for the full tuition installment (based on a total of 9 tuition installments) for the month in which the “withdraw effective date” occurs. Any excess payments received will be refunded to the member.

Late Starts

All enrolling families are required to pay a $65.00 Registration Fee and a Supply Fee based on the type of Program(s) the student is enrolled in (please refer to the Tuition Installment and Fee Schedule Section for your applicable Supply Fee(s). A 50% reduction in registration and supply fees will be given to new members enrolled after February 1st.

A full tuition installment will be due (based on a total of 9 tuition installments) for the month in which the member’s child begins attending CPI.

Payment up front is due for the Registration Fee, Supply Fee(s), and one (1) tuition installment that is based on 9 tuition installments.


Please view Forms page for details about required paperwork and deadlines.

Registration is open for 2024-25!Apply now!