Beginners Program Class Curriculum

Beginners is a gentle introduction to school for our youngest learners. Students must be age 2 ½, and this class is also appropriate for younger 3-year-olds who may benefit from extra support in the classroom. The small class size (maximum of 8 students) facilitates a cozy learning environment where children can develop some of their first friendships. Beginners is a School Cooperative program; we have a Teacher Aide in the classroom, so parents do not volunteer as the Parent Aide, but they do participate in committees and maintenance/cleaning obligations.

During the course of the year, our enthusiastic and nurturing Beginners teachers will work on the following skills, with emphasis on the social skills at the level appropriate for each age:

Self Discovery & Independence
Communicating with Others
Development of Self-Help Skills

Good Safety Habits
Sharing with Others
Respecting Others

Fine & Gross Motor Skill Development

Following Directions
Learning to Work in a Classroom Atmosphere
Listening to Others

Language Arts

Stories, finger plays, basic colors and shapes, name recognition, body parts.

Math and Science

Counting 1-10, calendar, puzzles, and number recognition 1-5.

Art, Music and Sensory

  • Painting with all mediums, gluing, crayons, markers, cutting, finger-painting, free-art, and crafts.
  • Songs, rhymes, games, musical instruments, dances.
  • Play-Doh, rice table, corn, beans, shaving cream, sand.

Other Activities

  • Outdoor play, blocks, housekeeping, science activities, dramatic play, sensory activities, show & tell, gross motor actives, manipulative toys.


  • Student evaluations will be sent home once a year. The teacher is always available to discuss a child’s progress throughout the year.


The snack is provided each day by the special helper (for the non-coop class).

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